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Malvasia, Istrian history and culture

This work is a project born from an idea of Miroslav Plišo developed through the research and storytelling of Walter Filiputti and the research of Attilio Scienza.
Download the text with interviews with the pioneers of the Istrian Malvasia revival.


The President of the Region of Istria, Boris Miletić, describes Istrian Malvasia as “part of our culture and way of life.” He says that modern Malvasia is the result of many years of work that he started with winemakers in the early 1990s.

“Among a large number of initiatives, a very important one at that time was to contribute to a large extent to the planting of new vineyards and olive groves. The agricultural policy has always been directed towards the same goal, that is, towards quality in all its aspects. Even then, we set ourselves a definite goal: to rank among the most important European regions in terms of quality. We are fully aware that achieving perceived excellence is only the first goal on the long road we have set for ourselves. The more demanding part is in front of us now, if we want it, which is to firmly root success by integrating another element that we care a lot about, that of identity. But even that is not enough: our brand Istria must strive to represent a region with very well-defined distinctiveness and character. In one word: uniqueness. All elements that pair well not only with wine, but also with oil, truffles, prosciutto and cheeses and, basically, with tourism that unites it all. Tourism, which is our real big industry that has brought us well-being, introducing our beauties to the whole world. Given that it is precisely tourism, along with wine, oil, the art of cooking and agricultural products, that has created an indescribable attractive force on the market. From this need arises IQ, Istria Quality, a project brought to perfection by the Vinistra Association, the cornerstone of our wine policy, based in Poreč and founded in 1995, which brings together all of our winemakers and winegrowers. It was the Association itself that was responsible for developing the strategies that have led us to the highest positions we are in today.”